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Roborock Q Revo Review: 8 Data-Driven Tests

Derek Hales

Written By: Derek Hales

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Great value combo robot vacuum

Roborock Q Revo Product Review

Q Revo Robot Vacuum With Multifunctional Dock

The Roborock Q Revo offers so many features that we come to expect from Roborock and modern robot vacuums. It definitely doesn’t feel at the same level as Roborock’s higher end models, but it’s still a respectable and feature-rich unit. Given the price point, there is far more to like about the Q Revo than to complain about.


  • Great cleaning performance overall. No surface type received a score lower than 91%.
  • Fantastic features like lifting mop pads, a self-emptying docking station, and mobile app.
  • Excellent at removing long hair and pet hair


  • High pile carpet performance was good, though not amazing. Notably, it added a lot more time to the cleaning cycle. 
  • Mixed performance for obstacle avoidance. Did not handle cords well.
  • Quiet mode not quiet enough to justify its lower suction.


Affordable High Performance
  • Design - 97%
  • Performance - 96%
  • Quality - 95%
  • Usability - 98%
  • Value - 99%


Among all Roborock’s robot vacuums that include mopping and a docking station, the Q Revo is the most affordable. It has high suction, dual spinning brushes, and a docking station that takes care of most aspects of maintenance. It was able to remove an average of 96.2% (by weight) of all debris across each indoor surface type. It’s great for light mopping and is effective at removing hair, including long hair and pet hair. High pile carpet performance is the only area where the device struggles somewhat. If your home is mostly hard floors or low pile carpet, this could be a great option for you.

In This Review

Cleaning Test | Long Hair Test | Pet Hair Test | Obstacle Avoidance | Navigation Test | Cleaning Speed | Usability | Noise Test | Specs | Summary

YouTube video

Performance Tests

We test the navigational efficiency, cleaning performance, and overall usability of the Roborock Q Revo using 8 different performance tests.

Roborock Q Revo Water Tanks
Roborock Q Revo Water Tanks Removed

Our testing series includes:

  • Cleaning test
  • Hair test
  • Pet hair test
  • Obstacle Avoidance test
  • Navigation test
  • Cleaning speed test
  • Usability test
  • Noise test

Cleaning Performance

Debris Removed


Long Hair Tangled


Pet Hair Removed


Cleaning performance was excellent across the board. It was not without a few issues, but in no category did the Q Revo drop below adequate performance.

Debris Test

To test debris removal performance, we place 4 different debris types:

  • Sugar
  • Kitty litter
  • Rice
  • Cereal

On 4 different floor types:

  • Hardwood
  • Low pile carpet
  • High pile carpet

We run the Roborock Q Revo on the debris covered floor, letting it complete two full cleaning cycles on the maximum suction power. We then measure the remaining debris by weight and compare it to the starting amount of 2.0 oz. This comparison to the baseline assists us in determining performance.

Here are the results:





Low Carpet


High Carpet


The hardwood floor had the best performance for the Q Revo. With only 1 or 2 pieces discovered around the edges of our testing lane, it was able to remove 99% of all debris.

Roborock Q Revo Hardwood Floor Pretest2
Roborock Q Revo Hardwood Floor Pretest2
Roborock Q Revo Hardwood Floor Posttest2
Roborock Q Revo Hardwood Floor Posttest2

With the low pile carpet we saw a slight dip in performance down to 95.7% of all debris removed. This is still excellent, but a small amount of debris did elude the Q Revo.

Roborock Q Revo Low Pile Carpet Pretest2
Roborock Q Revo Low Pile Carpet Pretest2
Roborock Q Revo Low Pile Carpet Postest
Roborock Q Revo Low Pile Carpet Postest

High pile carpet showed another slight dip down to 91% of all debris removed. In this case, the Q Revo acted a bit strangely. On this surface type and on its max suction setting, the robot vacuum nearly locks up and moves at an absolute crawl. 

Roborock Q Revo High Pile Carpet Pretest
Roborock Q Revo High Pile Carpet Pretest
Roborock Q Revo High Pile Carpet Posttest
Roborock Q Revo High Pile Carpet Posttest

Whereas one cycle on our testing lane typically takes 3-4 minutes, this would go on for 10+ minutes, and it would still not cover the entire area.

Even with this extra time, the performance still showed a noticeable dip compared to the other surface types. Although, 91% is not bad, I would caution buyers to consider the extra time it seems to take with this surface.

Mop Test

To test the mopping performance of the Roborock Q Revo, we let it perform multiple cleaning runs in our office and studio space. After, we check the mop pads to see how much dirt has built up over time.

Once the app notified us that the dirty tank was full, we dumped it on video to capture the amount of dirt it removed during its cycles of cleaning our office.

The initial amount of dirt shown on video was not overly impressive, but a good deal was stuck at the bottom and removed after adding a bit more water. Overall, the amount of dirt was about what we’ve seen across other high-performing models.

Long Hair Test

To further test cleaning performance, we put the Roborock Q Revo against long strands of hair to check to see how well it manages tangles. We measure 0.3 grams of hair and place it on hardwood flooring. Next, we let the robot run over on the highest suction power and check the floor for remaining strands and brush roll for tangles. 

Amount on Floor

0.0 g

Amount Tangled

0.14 g

Overall Performance

Very Good

During our long hair test, the Q Revo performed extremely well. Further proving itself on hard surfaces, not a trace of hair was left on the testing lane after its two cleaning cycles.

Roborock Q Revo Long Hair Post Test
Roborock Q Revo Long Hair Post Test

However, almost half of the hair remained tangled in the brushroll after the test. While 100% of the long hair was removed from the surface, only 46.7% of it made it to the dustbin. The other 0.14 g were tangled in the brushroll.

Pet Hair Test

Our final cleaning test checks how well the Roborock Q Revo handles pet hair in high pile carpet. To test this, we nestle 1.0 grams of pet hair into the carpet fibers and run the robot vacuum over it twice on the highest suction setting. After the test, we measure how much of the pet hair remains by weight.

Amount in Carpet

0.1 g

Overall Performance


The Q Revo’s performance of pet hair on carpet was good, but not exceptional. Ten percent of pet hair remained on the testing surface after two cycles on its max setting.

Again, this is the surface where the Q Revo runs at a crawl on its highest setting. I’m a little disappointed that this “feature” (if you can call it that) doesn’t allow for better cleaning performance against pet hair.

Finally, we noticed pet hair remained on the brushroll post test. This is most likely due to the silicon material and/or the ridges within the roll itself. This is not an objective part of our test, but a fair amount lingered on the roll, creating a potential for it to cause issues or spill out later, especially this long clump.

Roborock Q Revo Pet Hair Posttest Brushroll
Roborock Q Revo Pet Hair Post-test Brushroll

Obstacle Avoidance Test

To see how well the Roborock Q Revo can avoid obstacles in its path while cleaning, we placed 4 objects (a shoe, mug, cord, and fake pet waste) in a cleaning area. We then ran the robot vacuum in this area, watching to see how well it avoided the objects while cleaning.

Roborock Q Revo Obstacle Avoidance Sensors
Roborock Q Revo Obstacle Avoidance Sensors

To test this, we placed 4 objects on the floor and had the robot clean the area. We observed the cleaning cycle to see how well it avoided the obstacles placed in its path. 

Here are the results:







Pet Waste


The obstacle avoidance was good, but not great. During our tests, it showed clear signs of being able to recognize objects, but not so great at avoiding them completely.

The shoe and mug were both run into, but not completely ignored. It seems to learn to avoid them after the initial encounter.

As a side note, we utilized the “invisible wall” feature to create a barrier to perform this test. It was effective and easy to use. In fact, the custom mapping features on the app have many more options like this to control where your vacuum goes.

In addition to obstacle avoidance, we tested how well the Roborock Q Revo navigates on a broader scale. We do this by having it run multiple cleaning cycles in our office and studio space and focus on 3 core requirements.  

  1. Can it fully clean the space?
  2. Can it not get stuck?
  3. Can it return to the base?

Here is what we found:

Returned to Base?


Fully Cleaned?




Roborock does advertise mapping and navigation. Overall, there are 6 different types of sensors on the device itself.

Roborock Q Revo Map Post Test
Roborock Q Revo Cleaning Post Test 1
Roborock Q Revo Map Post Test5
Roborock Q Revo Cleaning Post Test 5

As you can see from this post-cleaning report, the path it takes is methodical and comprehensive to a somewhat cluttered office space.

The upper-left corner of “Room 1”, for example, is full of equipment of various sizes. Rather than forgoing large sections full of obstacles, it cleaned everywhere it could fit.

Cleaning Speed Test

Our cleaning speed test showed the Roborock Q Revo was able to clean out 1,000 sq. ft. office space within 50-55 minutes. 

Cleaning Area

~1,000 sq. ft.

Cleaning Time

50 – 55 min.

The speed of the Q Revo is a bit faster than the average cleaning time for this office space. The average time for robot vacuums to clean this office is approximately 64 minutes. Notably, not all robot vacuums included in that average were also mopping like the Q Revo was.

Usability Test

Usability is fantastic for the Q Revo. While offering a great deal of features and control, it manages to be simple and intuitive.

Roborock Q Revo Underside
Roborock Q Revo Underside


Setup for the Roborock Q Revo is quite simple. One person could handle it within 5 minutes to get it up and going. If you want to unlock its full potential via the mobile app, that takes about another 5-10 depending on your familiarity with connecting devices to phone apps.

Roborock Q Revo Performance Review
Roborock Q Revo Unboxed

The steps include:

  • Remove plastic wrapping
  • Attach mop pads
  • Plug in docking station
  • Fill clean water tank
  • Insert robot vacuum into docking station
  • (Optional) Connect device to phone via app

Altogether, I did not find any aspect to be difficult and I thought the packaging was minimal, as well as clever. Roborock does a good job streamlining this process.

While these devices typically come with some charge, Roborock recommends fully charging the robot prior to its first use.


Controls are simple yet extensive on the Roborock Q Revo.

Roborock Q Revo Device Controls
Roborock Q Revo Device Controls

While technically optional, the amount of control you have over the robot vacuum from the physical buttons is incredibly limited.

You can run it with its default cleaning settings (mop and vacuum at low intensity), by simply pressing the power button from the dock. You can also make it return to the dock on its own by pressing the home button. That’s about it.


The Roborock app unlocks the vast majority of features available on the Q Revo model.

This includes:

  • Custom mapping
  • 2-D and 3D renderings of cleaning space
  • Toggling between vacuuming, mopping, or both
  • Adjusting suction power (5 options)
  • Selecting mop intensity (3 options)
  • Precise scheduling with specific cleaning options
  • Route type (2 options)
  • Post-cleaning reports
  • Mobile notifications alerting cleaning start, stop, and any issues during the cycle
  • Voice commands through Google Home, Siri, and Alexa

As mentioned earlier, we had no issues connecting the device to the mobile app. The Roborock app has 4.7 stars on the Google Play store, and we recommend using it to get the most out of this device.

Roborock Less Collision Mode
Roborock Less Collision Mode
Roborock Map Saving2
Roborock Map Saving

My only frustration is that selecting the notifications to take me to the app would result in an endless loading screen to which backing out was the only solution. It happened more often than not on my Samsung Galaxy phone. 


Maintenance is relatively low on the Roborock Q Revo mostly due to its well-designed docking station.

Replacing the clean water tank and dumping the dirty water happened about every three days with the max mopping intensity option.

Roborock Q Revo Dust Bag
Roborock Q Revo Dust Bag

The dry debris is captured in a bag and must be switched out roughly every 7 weeks with normal use. Replacement bags will cost you roughly $6.22 annually if replaced with that frequency

The long hair may need to be cleaned out every few months with normal exposure to long hair.
Docking station base will accumulate small debris over time. It can detach to make cleaning quick and easy.

Mop pads are self-cleaning and self-drying. You can buy additional pads if you ever feel like they are damaged or have accumulated too many stains and/or odors.

Noise Test

Our noise test measures how loud the robot is while running and self-emptying. We test this by using a sound meter from about 3` away and run the Revo on each power mode measuring the level of noise generated. 

Power ModeNoise Level
Quiet39.3 dB
Balanced64.5 dB
Turbo65.1 dB
Max65.3 dB
Max+66.6 dB
Self-Empty77.6 dB

As you can see from the data, there isn’t a huge range in noise from what is labeled the “quiet” setting to the “max” setting. In practice, the robot vacuum will jump around the low to high 60 range during its cycle. This is due to how it maneuvers, reads different surfaces, and the occasional collision with walls.

Roborock Q Revo Mopping In Action
Roborock Q Revo Mopping In Action

These decibel readings would certainly be perceptible yet inoffensive from most rooms in a home. It’s worth pointing out that the faint reduction in noise from “quiet” mode just isn’t enough to compromise on cleaning performance.

The self-emptying procedure on the other hand, is quite loud. At 77.6 dB, it would be a noise to stop conversations, for example. So it’s advisable to avoid it from happening during quiet hours.

Common noise levels

  • 20 dB – rustling leaves
  • 30 dB – whisper
  • 40 dB – quiet library, babbling brook
  • 50 dB – refrigerator, moderate rainfall
  • 60 dB – normal conversation, dishwashers
  • 70 dB – traffic, showers
  • 80 dB – alarm clock, telephone dial tone


TypeRobot Vacuum
ModelQ Revo Robot
Diameter13.9” (35.3 cm)
Height3.8” (9.7 cm)
Device Weight10 lbs. (4.5 kg)
Total Weight33 lbs. (14.9 kg)
Floor typeAll (indoor)
Suction Power5500Pa (0.8 PSI)
Dust Bin Vacuum350 ml. (11.8 fl oz)
Dust Bin Base2.7 L (0.7 gal)
Noise Level65.1 dB (standard)
Obstacle AvoidanceYes
Zone CleaningYes
Room CleaningYes
Digital MappingYes
ReturnsVaries by retailer
Warranty1 Year Limited (Option to increase)
PriceCheck Price

Should you buy the Roborock Q Revo robot vacuum robot vacuum?

I would recommend the Roborock Q Revo if you’re looking for the following features:

  • Strong cleaning performance: The cleaning performance for the Q Revo was fantastic. Where we started seeing a dip in performance was the high pile carpet. But if this device is mostly dealing with low pile carpets or hard surfaces, then there is very little to complain about.
  • Excellent features and app control: There are dozens of useful features and controls that allow you to customize the schedule, intensity, and area you want cleaned. It’s all wrapped within a time-tested app that has 4.7 stars and hundreds of thousands of reviews. The interface is intuitive and can be used anywhere. Plus it can work with voice commands through Google Home, Siri, or Alexa integration.
  • Great navigation and cleaning customization: The proprietary LiDAR sensors allow the Q Revo to clean methodically and cleverly through all kinds of obstacles. The mop heads will lift when encountering carpet and it does well to prevent getting stuck in a cluttered environment like our office. All of this is done within a relatively fast cleaning time.

For more information or to buy the Roborock Q Revo robot vacuum, click here.

About Derek Hales

Derek HalesDerek Hales is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of He has been featured in Fast Company, Reader's Digest, Business Insider,, She Knows, and other major publications. Derek has a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from Kansas State University. Hales has been testing and reviewing products for the home since 2014.